Flashback 2002: CO2 allegedly made the Harbin ice sculptures “sweaty”

Flashback 2002: CO2 allegedly made the Harbin ice sculptures “sweaty”.

Jan 8, 2008 

“Average annual temperatures in the city perched on the edge of Siberia hit 6.6 degrees Celsius (44 Fahrenheit) last year, the highest average since records began, and the ice sculptures are feeling the heat.

“In the beginning of December 2002, ice lanterns in Harbin melted right after they were sculpted. What came out of the work was sweaty ice sculptures,” Yin Xuemian, senior meteorologist at the Heilongjiang Observatory, told Reuters.

Problems got worse in 2006.”

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2016 & Not a word about Doomsday Global Warming this year:
PHOTOS: Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival expected to draw over 1,000,000 visitors.
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