New Year’s Eve, Cologne: An Eyewitness Account

Factcheck: Obama Promised NO Vacations If Elected

Remember when Obama promised that he would not take vacations if elected President?

The video features then-Sen. Obama discussing his book “The Audacity Of Hope” with New York Times columnist Bob Herbert in 2008.
The future president was talking about how those running for president need to be prepared to “give their life to it.”

“The bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone,” Obama said.

“I am giving myself to you.”

He “then proceeded to hit the golf course 186 times (and counting).”

(via dailycaller)

Let’s do the factcheck:

25 December, 2015: 
Obama’s Hawaii Vacation Digs & How Much He’s Spent on Vacations Since Taking Office
Like many families, the Obamas have set off to warmer climates for the Christmas holiday.

This time last year, it was widely reported that President Obama took relatively few vacation days, in comparison to other presidents:


  • At same point in his second term, President George W. Bush had amassed 405 vacation days
  • President Bill Clinton took 174 vacation days
  • President Ronald Regan took 390 days of vacation time
  • President Obama had taken 161 vacation days to that point in time

Judicial Watch: Secret Service Expenses for Obama’s 2013 Hawaii Christmas Vacation Cost Taxpayers $316,698.03, Taxpayers Paid Over $8 Million for 17-Day Vacation

January 2, 2016: Obama to travel more in final year in office

97% Climate Science quotes from “Flying Climate Frauds“:

” … one transatlantic flight can add as much to your carbon footprint as a typical year’s worth of driving.

“In an interesting analogy, we learn from the writer-producer Richard Broad, of Boston’s public-television station WGBH, that a single trans-Atlantic flight consumes all the energy that an acre of forest produces in 100 years.”



Utter farce: Obama visits a warmist via “18 car motorcade, no doubt preceded by a flight in Air Force One”

US President Barack Obama has paid a personal visit to a mother who has echoed the greatest fears for many parents across the world in a heartfelt letter.

She wrote to Mr Obama — not expecting a response — to convey her thoughts, worries and hopes for the future in which her son would grow up.

In her letter, Mrs Martin described her “overwhelming sense of dread” about climate change.

“Will my son be able to thrive on this planet?” she wrote.

President Obama Discovers a Climate Believer, Pays Personal Visit

Peak Oil? Peak 97% Prediction Failure!

Open-Ended Resourceship: Bring on 2012!

By Robert Bradley Jr. — December 29, 2011

“The total supply of any mineral is unknown and unknowable because the future knowledge that would create mineral resources cannot be known before its time.”

“Human ingenuity and capital investment under a regime of economic calculation can lead society to new combinations of minerals—or minerals and non-minerals—to perform the same (or better) economic services over time.”

If resources are not fixed but created, then the nature of the scarcity problem changes dramatically.

For the technological means involved in the use of resources determines their creation and therefore the extent of their scarcity.  

The nature of the scarcity is not outside the process (that is natural), but a condition of it.”

– Tom DeGregori (1987). “Resources Are Not; They Become: An Institutional Theory.” Journal of Economic Issues, p. 1258.


Thanks to technology, we’re not going to run out of oil

“If you read Stephen Moore’s *column, he noted how the consensus over oil is wrong. We’re not running out of oil. In fact, many have been saying we’re going to run out since the 1930s.
Moore added that technological advancements are increasing oil production.
In fact, Kerry Jackson at Investors Business Daily wrote in November that these advances are going to almost triple the amount of fossil fuel resources if research and development continue.”
These stupid predictions of the end of oil have been going on for most of the last century.
Just over 100 years ago, the U.S. Bureau of Mines estimated total future production at 6 billion barrels, yet we’ve produced more than 20times that amount.
In 1939 the Department of the Interior predicted U.S. oil supplies would last 13 years. I could go on.

Where are the Feminists?

28 December, 2015:

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw said she quit the governing council of The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) three months ago over a matter of “principle” related to the accusations of sexual harassment facing director general RK Pachauri.

“I did not stand in judgment but it is the principle I stood for,” the Biocon chairman and managing director said in the strongest comments against Pachauri that have been made by a former or current member of the governing council.

Pachauri has consistently denied the allegations.

He was booked by the Delhi Police on February 18 on charges of sexual harassment at the workplace, criminal intimidation and stalking levelled by a 29-year-old woman who worked as a research analyst in his office. The case was first reported by ET.

… at a recent governing council meeting, Pachauri was elevated as executive vice-chairman of the governing council of TERI.

Also, a proposal to give him operational powers is being considered by the governing council.

Feb, 2015:
Harassment Case: Rajendra K Pachauri quits PM’s council on climate change 

Dr Rajendra K Pachauri, booked on charges of sexually harassing one of his colleagues in Teri, has withdrawn from the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change.

Earlier, he had also quit as chair of the United Nation’s International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), and proceeded to go on leave from TERI where he is the director-general.

. . .
Where are the feminists?

Celebrate! Global Warming Pause/Hiatus for 18 years! Good News!

October 1, 2014 is a day of celebration!

It is now undeniable that the planet is not racing to its destruction.

It is good news! (for some)

Here are some of the headlines from the mainstream media you might have missed:

Destruction Delayed!

Apocalypse Avoided

Catastrophe Curtailed

Delusion Detour

Nightmare! Not.

Armageddon Outta Here

Obama: I did it! Planet Healed! Sea levels Sweet!.

* * * * * *

The Pause comes of age – Josh 295

Satellite Data: No Global Warming For Past 18 Years

Either fish are stupid, or the ABC is.

August 13, 2010 –  climate change has fish moving south

It shows about 30 per cent of the fish that live in south-east Australia have moved to new habitats and started to breed.

PETER LAST: We think climate change has something to this with this. There’s been a warming of the waters around Tasmania during that period.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

August 17, 2012 – warm seas will affect fish:

The CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) says climate change is having a big impact on the country’s oceans, with tropical fish turning up as far south as Tasmania.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
17 June, 2014 – cold seas kill fish:

Cold Antarctic water probable cause of dead fish washed up on Ninety Mile Beach, EPA says … [with] beachgoers identifying mainly the leather jacket species and also trevally. The fish prefer warmer waters.

Large numbers of dead fish have also washed up on Tasmania’s east coast.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
July 8, 2014 – Warming oceans force fish south

New research shows the world’s warming oceans are forcing tropical fish to move south and putting other habitats at risk.
Dr Verges says it’s because of climate change.

Tropical species that perhaps were carried by this current, you know, they used to die once they hit certain cold temperatures but because the temperatures are now warmer overall, especially in the winter, species are starting to stay and form populations.

JAKE STURMER: Is there a fix? Is there any way to stop this?

ADRIANA VERGES: Well, we should definitely try and stop CO2 emissions. Any efforts to stop climate change are going to be key in at least slowing down this process.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Andrew Bolt Blog June 18, 2014:

UN-IPCC Climate Debt. Who really owes who?

Much of the current angst at the UN regarding climate has to do with the idea of “climate reparations”.

These are an imaginary debt supposedly owed(1) by the major CO2 emitting nations to the countries of the developing world.
Now, there are some interesting things about this map.
First, it appears to be pretty accurate.
For example, if you look at the lower right part of Australia, you can see the two big cities of Sydney and Melbourne as red dots in the sea of blue.
So … I figured I’d take the data and divide it up by country, to see how much CO2 each country either emits or absorbs.
The answers were pretty surprising … Figure 2 shows the top 20 biggest net emitters of CO2.
That’s where I started laughing … I can just see France demanding climate reparations from India, or the UK demanding reparations from the “Democratic” Republic of the Congo … It gets better.
Funnier and funnier … Sweden and Norway get to demand reparations from Russia,
Finland can send a bill to the USA, while Australia can dun China for eco-megabucks.
(via watts up with that 2)


UN-IPCC- Deleted Data, ar5-spm errors

Doomsday Global Warming-
UN-IPCC Junk Climate Science update:

Nat Geo, JULY 3, 2014:
Data Deleted From UN Climate Report Highlight Controversies

When the United Nations’ last major climate change report was released in April, it omitted some country-specific emissions data for political reasons, a trio of new papers argue, sounding a warning bell about the global politicization of climate science.


November 12th 2013:
U.N. climate panel corrects carbon numbers in influential report

“Errors in the summary for policymakers were discovered by the authors of the report after its approval and acceptance by the IPCC,” it said in a statement.

It did not say how the errors had been made.

The panel had hoped to avoid more corrections after an embarrassing error about Himalayan ice-melt in its 2007 report.”


How much more snow if not for Global Warming?

Praise be to Gaia for Doomsday Global Warming.

How much more snow would we have got if not for carbon(sic) Doomsday Global Warming?

“Australian ski areas – which started their season badly on June 7th with almost no snow following a record warm May, are celebrating snowfalls of up to almost five feet (1.4m in fact) during the last four days.”

(Note the picture of Al Gore’s tour bus)


What the Doomsday BoM said, 28 May 2014:

“A warmer winter likely for Australia
The chances that the winter maximum temperature outlook will exceed the median maximum temperature is greater than 60% over Australia. Chances are greater than 80% over the western, southern and eastern coastal regions, and Tasmania.”


How sad for the BoM.


Echuca soaks up wettest June on record


Swindlers who claim the science is settled.

“The science is settled.”

President of the United States, Barack Obama.

~ ~ ~
June, 2014
Gigantic Ocean Vortices Seen From Space Could Change Climate Models


February 2013
Seals help solve deep water mystery

“The discovery of a fourth source of deep water is critical to our understanding of Antarctica’s contribution to global ocean circulation, and will improve modelling of its response to climate change …
Until recently only three sources of the deep waters were known – the Weddell and Ross seas and off the Adelie Coast.
The discovery of a fourth source is like ”finding a new component in the engine…”


. . .
Beware of swindlers who claim “the science is settled”.

PS. The heat is hiding in the deep oceans? Debunked.